CASP Speaker, Evelyn Horton
The Council of Autism Service Providers (CASP) is a non-profit trade association of provider organizations serving individuals with autism spectrum disorder. CASP member organizations provide services in many different settings utilizing a variety of funding streams.
We are absolutely thrilled and proud to announce that one of the esteemed speakers for the upcoming annual conference will be none other than our very own Vice President of Children's Services and BCBA, Evelyn Horton. With her vast experience and extensive knowledge in the field, she is sure to provide valuable insights and an enriching experience for all attendees. Her presence at the conference is a testament to our commitment to bringing the best and brightest minds in the industry together to collaborate, learn and grow.
More Easter Tips
Candy is often the go-to Easter egg filler. However, for children with allergies, special dietary requirements, or sensory sensitivities, this this option may not be suitable. To ensure that all children can enjoy the festivities, here’s a selection of sensory-friendly alternatives to include alongside traditional candy.
Rock crayons
Chalk eggs
Finger puppets
Mini bubbles
Temporary tattoos
Small animal figures
Spiral hair ties
Money tails
Sponge capsule animals
Curly shoelaces
Mini pop-its
Fidget spinners or cubes
Bouncy or light up balls
Egg shakers
Kazoos, whistles, or noise makers
Silly putty
Sticky hands
Mini slinkies
Mochi squishy toys
Scratch and sniff stickers
Chapstick or lip gloss
Chewy jewelry
Slap bracelets
Mini porcupine balls
Magic towels
Winter Carnival Wrap Up
Thank you to everyone who attended our Iowa City Winter Carnival! Your presence, enthusiasm, and participation made the event a tremendous success. It was heartwarming to see families come together, enjoy the festivities, and create cherished memories. We hope you had as much fun as we did and that the Winter Carnival brought a little extra joy to your winter season. We are grateful for your continued support and look forward to seeing you at future events!
Save the Date(s)
We are gearing up for Autism Month. Check out these events and other fun things happening next month! We will add more as we become aware of them!
Visit Us at These Events